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Myofascial Release Therapy
for Fibromyalgia

Figuring Out Fibromyalgia book"I never had much improvement in pain after getting a conventional massage, sometimes feeling even more achy and tired afterward. I tried many styles of massage, but it was only after stumbling upon myofascial release (MFR) therapy that I found significant pain relief. My patients that have tried this therapy also find it helpful; one said, 'Myofascial release works better than any pill to relieve my pain.' Dr. Ginevra Liptan, M.D. in Figuring Out Fibromyalgia 2011

Dr. Liptan's book, Figuring Out Fibromyalgia is one of the best resources for a Fibromyalgia patient. Her chapter titled "Manual Therapy for your Fascia" eloquently describes how MFR can release adhesions which lead to myofascial pain. The reduction in pain allows greater sleep, leading to more growth hormone release, leading to more complete healing.

Working at the Frida Center for Fibromyalgia, Spencer sees many patients with this diagnosis. Reducing the straight jacket of fascial restrictions helps many patients reduce pain, move easier, and breath easier. Many patients also report sleeping better after receiving MFR therapy. Helping patients get back to to doing what they love is the goal of MFR.

MFR helps break one of the pathways of myofascial pain:
Pain -> Lack of deep sleep -> Decreased growth hormone release ->
Reduced healing by the body -> More Pain

How Does It Work?
Fascia is connective tissue that runs like web through our bodies. It wraps every muscle, organ, and cell. The slow, sustained pressures of MFR can open this thick gel - allowing for better circulation, reducing pressure on nerves, and allowing the body to return to a healthy, functional posture.

Therapy for Past Trauma
MFR can further assist the 90% of fibromyalgia patients who have suffered a past trauma by allowing the patient to "unwind" past traumas physically. Talk therapy fails to remove the physical energy from trauma. Allowing one's body to return to a past position of injury or to go through an emotional unwinding can dramatically speed healing. Letting go is a huge step toward pain reduction.

For more information on fibromyalgia, I recommend Figuring Out Fibromyalgia by Ginevra Liptan, M.D.







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